Friday 5/3/19

We left the beach condo after washing the sheets and performing our house keeping chores to make the dwelling cleaner than our arrival. We did not want to abuse the privilege we were awarded. Wayne had a bridge club meeting at his house scheduled for 7 pm so we needed time to get back and to eat dinner before their arrival.

Wayne's girlfriend was also coming over for the evening. She is scheduled to move in the following weekend and she was slowly brings her items to the house, transforming Wayne's world from a bachelor animal house into a more female friendly place. Wayne has been excited to have her, and her psychotic cat, join his living arrangements.

Chef Wayne again prepared a wonderful dinner of spinach salad and more wine.

The bridge participants began to arrive and after a quick "meet and greet" of the club members who all appeared to work in the IT field, Earline and I retired upstairs for an early bedtime while they played enjoyed their game until about 11 pm. Wayne and his partner John, a chemist, won the tournament. Wayne said it was expected. I admire his modesty. :) Wayne "the brain" as Earline and I call him, makes a good living by being a professional bridge partner and by teaching bridge to others. He says he probably makes more than by doing computer coding, his professed occupation.