Tuesday 5/7/19 Hike and exploration of Berry College in Rome, GA

Today we were scheduled to meet with Eva, Earline's niece (Earl's daughter) and her five kids for a 2 mile hike around a lake located at Shorter College in Rome, GA. The weather was already 88 degrees at 11:30 am and the humidity was high. Earline and I place our furry friends, Alfie and Jemma, into slings since these lazy dogs do not like walking. Alfie weighs 10 pounds and Jemma about 13 pounds.

I didn't make it too far before I handed Jemma over to Eva who kindly offered to carry her. Earline trooped along with Alfie for the majority of the hike until the last 1/8 mile when I carried Alfie to the finish line. We were also going to hike around Berry College but the older adults vetoed this plan and we voted to visit by automobile instead.
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Berry college has the largest campus of any college in the USA. It has 27,000 acres! The buildings are beautiful and the campus is in a wonderful setting. The college was started by Martha Berry as a school for academically qualified by economically poor children in the south. Henry Ford was a major donor but wished to remain anonymous so that he would not be solicited by others.


Martha Berry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Berry

Images of the college are seen below. After our college visit, we all had pizza downtown before returning to Earl's home.
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